Tuesday, February 08, 2005


There are three major airports within a one hour drive of Hampton. Logan International in Boston is one hour away to the south. Manchester NH Airport is about forty five minutes to the west. Manchester would be my choice due to the ease of getting in and out. The other choice would be Portland Jet Port in Portland ME which is one hour to the North. If you have your own small plane there is a quaint airfield in North Hampton with a dirt runway and great restaurant. More on the restaurant in another section. If you have your own private jet or are looking for charter service there is Pease International Tradeport in Portsmouth just fifteen minutes away. This is a former S.A.C. base and regularly accomodates the National Guards C 5s And KC-130s. This is where Air Force One Lands when the president goes to Maine to visit Dad. So as you can see you have quite a few options in you plan on flying!


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