Thursday, February 17, 2005


Go By Car, Motorcycle, or bicycle but go. Start from Hampton Beach and head north. You'll first come to North Beach. This is where the surfers are as well as the local residents. Lifeguards are on duty and there are bath facilities just across the street from Kennedy's restaurant. Continue on and you'll find North Hampton Beach. there is limited metered parking here. Next you'll find breathtaking views over looking the ocean and The Isles of Shoals. The mansions in North Hampton are very impressive. Some of these are still summer homes but most are year round residents. Keep winding your way north and you'll find another beach area with limited metered parking. Just across the street is Paul's Carriage House Restaurant a great place for dinner or Sunday brunch. A little ways up you'll come across Rye harbor. Definitely pull in here to enjoy the local flavor and maybe go for a cruise. Further up you'll see Wallis Sands State Park. Parking is about $5.00 there is a full bath house available Ann a concession stand. About a mile further north will bring you the Science Center. This is a must stop. The kid's will love this place too!
When taking this ride bring your camera and take the time to enjoy everything you see along the way. As a matter of fact you'll have no choice as the speed limit is approximately 35 and without a doubt the person in front of you will be going 20.


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